Can you do EMDR therapy remotely?

In recent years, the way we access mental health support has transformed, with online therapy becoming increasingly popular. This shift has prompted many to question the effectiveness of delivering certain types of psychological therapies through virtual platforms, especially for treatments traditionally conducted in person.

One therapy that has received attention in this context is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a well-established, evidence-based treatment for processing trauma and alleviating the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

So can EMDR therapy, known for its unique use of bilateral stimulation to process traumatic memories, be effectively adapted for online delivery to those in the UK? Let's explore online EMDR therapy and its efficacy in treating trauma virtually.

Understanding EMDR Therapy

EMDR is a form of therapy that helps individuals process and heal from traumatic events that continue to impact their mental health. It involves the patient recalling a traumatic memory while receiving bilateral stimulation, typically through eye movements, guided by the EMDR therapist. This process is believed to facilitate the brain's natural healing mechanisms, allowing the individual to integrate and make sense of traumatic memories, thereby reducing their lingering effects.

The Transition to Online EMDR Therapy

With the advent of virtual therapy platforms, EMDR treatment has also found a place in the online therapeutic space. Online EMDR therapy sessions are conducted via video conferencing, where the therapist guides the individual through the EMDR process, ensuring that they feel safe and supported throughout. The bilateral stimulation, a cornerstone of EMDR, is adapted for the virtual environment through various innovative techniques, such as auditory tones or tapping, that the individual can self-administer under the guidance of the therapist. Using a digital light bar, you can also use technology to do bilateral eye movements.

Efficacy of Virtual EMDR Therapy

Concerns about whether EMDR can be as effective online as it is face-to-face are understandable. However, emerging evidence suggests that online EMDR therapy can indeed be as effective as in-person sessions for processing trauma.

The key components of EMDR, including the therapeutic relationship, the structured approach to trauma processing, and the mechanisms of bilateral stimulation, can be successfully adapted to a virtual format. This adaptation ensures that individuals can access the therapeutic benefits of EMDR, regardless of their location or ability to attend in-person sessions.

Benefits of Online EMDR Therapy

One of the significant advantages of online EMDR therapy is the accessibility it offers. Individuals in remote or underserved areas of the UK, or those with mobility issues, can now access EMDR treatment from the comfort of their homes.

Furthermore, the virtual format can also make therapy more approachable for people who might feel anxious about attending face-to-face sessions, offering a sense of safety and privacy that can be particularly beneficial when dealing with traumatic events.

Choosing the Right EMDR Therapist

Whether opting for face-to-face or virtual EMDR therapy, choosing a qualified and experienced EMDR therapist is crucial. Ensuring you choose an EMDR therapist who has completed EMDR Europe standard training is essential, as this ensures you are working with a therapist who has trained to the necessary standard. For online therapy, it's essential to ensure that the therapist is not only trained in EMDR but also experienced in delivering it through an online format. Accrediting bodies and professional associations often list therapists who meet these criteria, providing a valuable resource for those seeking online EMDR treatment. 

Technological Innovations Enhancing Online EMDR

The transition of EMDR therapy to an online format has been facilitated by technological innovations designed to replicate the bilateral stimulation techniques used in face-to-face sessions. Software tools and apps specifically developed for online EMDR therapy can simulate the eye movements or taps that are central to the technique, ensuring the therapy's effectiveness remains intact. 

These digital tools not only support the therapeutic process but also empower clients by giving them a degree of control over the bilateral stimulation, potentially enhancing their engagement and the overall therapeutic outcome.

Training and Competency in Virtual EMDR

The shift towards online delivery has necessitated additional training and competency development for EMDR therapists. This training ensures therapists are adept at using online platforms and technological tools, and are skilled in maintaining a therapeutic connection over a virtual medium.

Professional development in this area is crucial for the efficacy of online EMDR, as therapists must navigate the nuances of establishing rapport, ensuring client safety, and managing the technical aspects of the therapy in a remote setting.

Ethical Considerations and Confidentiality

Online EMDR therapy also brings to the fore ethical considerations, particularly regarding client confidentiality and data security. Therapists and clients must use secure, encrypted video conferencing tools and platforms that comply with data protection regulations to safeguard personal information and therapy sessions. Additionally, therapists must be vigilant about maintaining the confidentiality of therapy sessions, especially when clients are accessing therapy from home or other non-private settings.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

While online EMDR therapy increases accessibility, it also highlights the digital divide that can exclude certain populations. Access to reliable internet and the necessary devices is a prerequisite for online therapy, potentially limiting its availability to those with fewer resources.

Addressing these disparities is essential for ensuring that online EMDR therapy contributes to broader efforts to make mental health support more inclusive and accessible to all segments of the UK population.

Research and Evidence Base

As online EMDR therapy continues to grow, so does the need for rigorous research to evaluate its effectiveness compared to traditional delivery methods. Ongoing studies and clinical trials will help refine online EMDR techniques, identify best practices, and ensure that the virtual delivery of this therapy remains both effective and evidence-based. This research is crucial for building confidence among clients and clinicians in the efficacy of online EMDR as a legitimate and powerful tool for processing trauma.

Virtual Reality in the Future

Looking ahead, Virtual Reality (VR) technology presents exciting possibilities for enhancing online EMDR therapy. VR might simulate environments that facilitate the EMDR process more immersively. These advancements could further revolutionise how trauma is treated, making EMDR therapy even more accessible and effective for those in need. 


Online EMDR therapy represents a significant advancement in the field of mental health, offering hope and healing to those affected by traumatic events. As this therapeutic approach continues to evolve, it will be shaped by technological innovations, ethical considerations, and ongoing research.

The potential to reach more individuals in need, coupled with the convenience and accessibility of online platforms, underscores the importance of embracing and refining virtual EMDR therapy. As we navigate these developments, the primary goal remains clear: to ensure that effective, compassionate care is available to all, regardless of their circumstances. The move towards virtual therapy has opened new avenues for individuals seeking support for mental health issues, including those processing traumatic memories through EMDR treatment.

Have a question? Feel free to get in touch. 


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