Got a question that isn’t here? Please free to get in touch.

  • Sessions are 50 minutes long. For some trauma-focused work extended therapy sessions may be beneficial (75 minutes), this can be discussed on an individual basis.

  • Regular sessions are important to allow the development of the therapeutic relationship and enable the therapy to progress effectively. Weekly sessions are recommended, at least initially, to build momentum. However, later in the therapy as you need less support, we may reduce the frequency to fortnightly or monthly, to prepare for the ending of the therapy. We can discuss what frequency will work best for you.

  • This is dependent on the issue you are bringing to therapy and is very individualised. This can be discussed following your assessment session and a tailored plan can be made.

  • Please visit my fee page for up to date prices.

  • I am registered with a number of healthcare providers including Aviva, AXA, Vitality Health, WPA and Bupa.

  • You may cancel an appointment without charge if you give at least 48 hours in working days prior notice of the cancellation. If you do so, we will refund you any sum you paid in advance.

    Any cancellations made with fewer than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full rate, and cancellations made between 24 and 48 hours notice will be charged at 50% of the full rate.

    Please note, insurance companies do not pay for late cancellations or missed appointments and you will be liable to pay the full fee.

  • I don’t offer any face-to-face sessions, all my sessions are delivered online.

  • Online therapy can be equally as effective as face-to-face therapy. From experience clients soon adjust to this way of working and many prefer it. It reduces the cost and time of travelling to appointments and gives the client the freedom to join the session from whichever private space suits them.

  • If you need to contact me outside of arranged session times please use the email address I have provided. I will try to respond as soon as I can but please be aware that I am not able to provide an urgent crisis service.

    If you are feeling at risk to yourself or others then you need to seek immediate help. Please contact your GP in the first instance, or if out of hours and it is an emergency then please call 999 or go to your local A&E.

  • I do not prescribe medication or offer medication advice. Please speak to your GP or psychiatrist.